Roleplaying Games
All free and licensed under Creative Commons.
For a while, I set myself the goal of publishing one new role-playing game every two months. One month writing, one month recovering. This built up quite a catalogue while it lasted, and some of them I am very proud of indeed. Most are in the mould of indie, rules-light games designed to scratch a very particular itch.
All of these games can be acquired as print copies or free pdfs via Lulu.com. They're presented here in the order of how much I like them. Supporting material, such as character sheets, can be found in the collections in the next section.
Alas, Lulu.com no longer directly links different formats of the same product together, so you will have to search for the pdf versions on their site. Or you can ownload the collections on this page and get a lot of games in one archive.

These zip files are collections of pdfs of these games, including any supplmentary material such as character sheets. They are the most convenient way to download what you need.